Dragi ljubitelji hokeja, dragi starši,


170 hokejistov in hokejistk, trenutno nabira hokejsko znanje v našem klubu. Za nami je izjemno uspešna sezona in kot novi predsednik ne bi mogel biti bolj ponosen na vse, kar so naši športniki dosegli. Vesel sem, da sezono zaključujemo z že 11. mednarodnim hokejskim turnirjem U11, ki ga tradicionalno organiziramo v HK Slavija Jr. in na katerem se bo tudi letos pomerilo 10 ekip iz Slovenije, Avstrije, Hrvaške, Bosne in Hercegovine, Italije in Srbije.

Vsako leto se nova generacija staršev, v sodelovanju z vodstvom kluba, trudi narediti ta dogodek še boljši, še bolj vznemirljiv, hkrati pa omogočiti mladim igralcem, da na ledu naberejo nove pomembne izkušnje na tekmah z močnimi nasprotniki in spletejo nova prijateljstva. In za ta trud in predanost staršev sem izjemno hvaležen. Prepričan sem, da nas letos čaka prav tak, če ne še boljši spektakel, kot smo ga vajeni iz preteklih let.

Ob tej priložnosti se zahvaljujem tudi vsem sponzorjem in donatorjem, brez katerih izvedba tega turnirja ne bi bila mogoča.

Dragi hokejski navdušenci, vse skupaj vabim, da se nam pridružite v zaloški ledeni dvorani med 12. in 14. aprilom in z nami doživite vzdušje tekmovalnosti, športnega duha in navdušenja, ki ga prinaša najmlajša generacija hokejskih zvezd.

Pridite na tribune, podprite hokejiste s športnim navijanjem in pomagajte ustvariti nepozaben spomin. Obeta se nam čudovit hokejski vikend, poln akcije, zabave in fair-playa!

Lep hokejski pozdrav

Igor Končina,

predsednik HK Slavija Jr.

Dear hockey enthusiasts, dear parents,


There are 170 hockey players in our club. This year was very successful, and as new president I couldn’t be prouder. I am glad we are closing this spectacular season with the 11th International U11 Hockey Tournament, traditionally organized by HK Slavija Jr., where ten teams from Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Italy and Serbia will compete.

Every year, a new generation of parents, in collaboration with the club’s leadership, strives to make this event even more thrilling, and ensures young players gain new valuable experiences on the ice during matches with strong opponents and forge new friendships. For this effort and dedication of the parents, I am truly grateful. I am confident this year event will be just as, if not even more spectacular than it was previous years.

On this occasion, I also want to thank all sponsors and donors, without whom the execution of this tournament would not be possible.

Dear hockey enthusiasts, I invite you all to join us at the Zalog Ice Rink from April 12th to 14th and experience the atmosphere of competitiveness, sportsmanship, and excitement the youngest generation of hockey stars brings. Come to support the hockey players and help create unforgettable memories. Wonderful hockey weekend awaits us, full of action, fun, and fair play!


Best hockey regards,

Igor Končina,

President of HK Slavija Jr.




Schedule and results


Tournaments' regulations