Dragi mladi hokejisti in nenadomestljivi navijači!

Tukaj je že 10. mednarodni hokejski turnir U11, ki ga v ledeni dvorani v Zalogu organizira HK Slavija Jr. V tem letu se nam pridružuje kar 10 ekip mladih hokejistov iz Slovenije, Avstrije, Hrvaške in Italije, s katerimi delimo veselje in ljubezen do hokeja.

Letošnji turnir je še eno pomembno poglavje v naši zgodovini, ki nas bo v naslednjih treh dneh popeljalo v svet strasti in navdušenja, ki ga prinaša hokej. Vesel sem, da to zgodovino pišemo skupaj.

Ob tej priložnosti mladim športnikom želim obilo dobre volje, športne sreče, veselja in fair play igre na ledu, novih poznanstev in prijateljskih vezi. Hkrati pa vabim vse navijače, da se nam pridružite pri spodbujanju naših mladih hokejistov in hokejistk s tribune.

Od petka, 14. 4., do nedelje, 16. 4., nas čaka obilica zanimivih in napetih tekem, hkrati pa bo poskrbljeno tudi za zabavo, glasbo, hrano in pijačo. Pozabili nismo niti na tradicionalni ‘met pakov’ in srečelov z bogatimi nagradami.

Hvala, dragi starši, da nesebično pomagate pri organizaciji tega nepozabnega dogodka. In hvala sponzorji in donatorji, ki s svojimi prispevki omogočate izvedbo turnirja.

Pridružite se nam, da skupaj zgradimo nepozaben turnir, ki bo v naših spominih ostal za vedno!

Dragi hokejisti in hokejistke, vam pa želim eno nepozabno doživetje, polno športnega duha, ekipne igre in fair playa.

S športnimi pozdravi,

Samo Marc

predsednik HK Slavija Jr.

Dear young hockey players and best fans ever!

Here it is – the 10th International U11 Hockey Tournament, organized by HK Slavija Jr. at the ice rink in Zalog. This year, there are joining us as many as 10 teams of young hockey players from Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, and Italy, with whom we share the joy and love of hockey. This year’s tournament is another momentous chapter in our history, which will take us into the world of passion and enthusiasm that hockey brings us. I am glad that we are writing this history together.

On this occasion, I wish young hockey players plenty of goodwill, sports luck, joy, fair play on the ice, new acquaintances, and friendly ties. At the same time, I invite all fans to join us in supporting our young hockey players from the stands.

Between Friday, April 14, and Sunday, April 16, there will be plenty of dynamic and tense matches. In addition to watching top-notch hockey, there will be plenty of fun between games, such as listening to

good music, having a drink or eating delicious food, playing the traditional “Puck Toss” game, and a raffle with rich prizes.

Thank you, dear parents, for selflessly helping to organize this unforgettable event. And thanks to sponsors and donors who enable the implementation of the tournament with their contributions.

Join us to build an unforgettable tournament that will remain in our memories forever!

Dear hockey players, I wish you an unforgettable experience full of sports spirit, teamwork, and fair play.

With sports greetings,

Samo Marc

President of HK Slavija Jr.




Schedule and results


Tournaments' regulations